Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chikaan sa Cebu

Chikaan sa Cebu
 At the World Bloggers Day, our table got pretty lucky. Boyfriend and Sister both got gift certificates from Chikaan sa Cebu. My mom didn't register because she wasn't a blogger, but if she were, and considering how lucky she is, she might have won something too. Airish Alombro, a fellow blogger and co-worker, sat with us at our table for her first meet up with the bloggers and won a prize as well.

So here we are, the three of us, my mom and sister and I, together at Chikaan sa Cebu in SM Northwing. There would have been a fourth person with us, which was supposed to be my brother, but he was busy at the time, so no free dinner for him there. If you were wondering where BF was, he was busy too.

Men. Pffft.

Anyway, check out what we had. We went to the restaurant famished and we got out stuffed. LOL

Utensils were served while waiting

Not so Little sister

Chikaan sa Cebu's Interior

Mom's fave, Chop Suey

This was supposed to be candid, but look at her posing

I think they called this Chicken Relleno, I'm not sure
Tinolang Manok
And there you go. Total expenses were 600 something pesos, but only ended up paying 200 something because of the GCs we got at the World Bloggers' Day event. Hurrah for GCs!

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