Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chow Down at Casa Verde

It’s Friday and my Team Lead made sure that the scheduling team gave us the same rest days so that we can have our very first team social day. We basically just went out to have dinner together and of course, it was sponsored by the company that we worked for. There was a budget of course and since it was just the day after pay day, we wanted to spoil ourselves and decided to spend more than the alloted budget. We were just gonna add up to the budget. The team social wasn’t just for fun, it was actually the only time that the entire team could spend together since we have different schedules and then we could also plan out strategies and meet about everything else going on at work. The place that we went to: Casa Verde.

We were there for the Ribs, but the waitress told us that the Ribs won’t be available until later, soooo we just had to order something else. Before we get to what we ordered, let’s talk about how the place was. Well, before we got to the restaurant, I was kinda thinking thatthe place would look fancy or something, But when we got there, I thought the place was a really nice place to eat at. The ambiance wasn’t bad at all. In fact, it was pretty nice. The only complaint that I could possibly bring up was the air conditoner was blasting me and one of my team mates. Check the place out!

Casa Verde Wall Art

Casa Verde Wall Art

Casa Verde Bar

Casa Verde Coke Fridge

Casa Verde Jukebox

Casa Verde Ceiling Art

Now that you’ve checked out the place from my point of view, check out what we had before our Team Lead informed us of what was about to come to us. I should’ve taken a picture of the menu like what I did with Figaro’s, but I didn’t think of it until I started writing this entry. Now, on with the food stuff.

Victoria's Secret with Pineapple Juice
Victoria’s Secret with Pineapple Juice
Victoria's Secret with Chocolate Shake
Victoria’s Secret with Chocolate Shake
Victoria's Secrets with Lemonade and Pineapple Juice
Victoria’s Secrets with Lemonade and Pineapple Juice
Iced Tea
Iced Tea
Golden Chicken Fingers
Golden Chicken Fingers
David Dean's Tenderloin
David Dean’s Tenderloin
I had David Dean’s Tenderloin and some Iced Tea. The tenderloin was pretty tasty, really soft, since I had it well done, and it smelled so good, so I was pretty much into eating the entire thing up. The serving would look small in the picture since they served the food on big plates. I loved the mashed potato and the melted cheese on top of the meat. The cheese made me want to find out how you can melt cheese as yummy as that. As for the price, I really wish I took a shot of the menu, but unfortunately, it’s too late for that now.

Now let’s rate the place according to my standards. The food was delicious, the waitress who took care of us was very accommodating and confident, the place was really nice, and I had no problem except for the air conditioner pointed directly to my direction.

On the scale of 1 to 10, I rate the place a very good 9. I couldn’t give it a perfect score because of the darn air conditioner. If you wanna check the place out, the branch that we were at was at the address below.

Casa Verde
The Walk, AsiaTown IT Park
Lahug, Cebu City

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